Villa Santo Stefano lies on top of a hill, over the Amaseno’s Valley. Two different roads introduce to the town, the first from Giuliano di Roma, the second runs along the Amaseno River. In the valley existed an old settlement "Castrum Sancto Stephani de Valle", but after the Roman Empire in consequence of numerous wars and barbarian invasions the town have moved to a strategic point on top of a hill.
The old Towncentre built in the Middleage constitued with other two near town: Pisterzo and Prossedi a stronghold. In the valley. The legend tell that the mitic Metabus, king of Volsci, lived here and built a Tower for his daughter Camilla. Villa Santo Stefano was an old
feud of Counts of Ceccano, in the 13° Century, they erected a castle with
granitic walls. In the 1562 Villa Santo Stefano became rule of Colonna’s
In downtown there is the modern square Umberto I with a war memorial, the side stands the old tower of king Metabo. The old town is rich of narrow passages and alleies with steps. A peculiarity are different archs between the small roads like a cripto-arcade. In a tiny square called Mons. Bonomo there is a baroque church of S.Maria with her high belltower. Interesting are the ruins of a church of S.Peter , this building was left unfinished. A long restricted road lead to "the Portella", the small back-gate of the town where in ancient times the brigands creeped into a town. Unique in all Italy is "La Panarda" a Soup of chickpeas in honor of S.Rocco. In the heart of the night of 16 of August started thecooking of 5 quintals of chickpeas in coppers called "Callare". The next day Archipries blees the "Panarda" and begin the delivery to all the people of Villa S.Stefano. |
Marco Felici: uno storico eccezionale 3 lugl. 2006
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