In the "Relationes" of 1636 we learned that in the church of S.Sebastiano there was the altar of S.Rocco where is preservated the artistical votive statue of the Patron Saint of the town.Placed at the main entrance of the town on the road to Giuliano.From the "Relationes" we know that in the 1607 the church of S.Sebastiano belongs to the Community and have a brotherhood called "Sacconi o S.Sebastiano".In the 1624 the church did ow an income of 12 Shields that allocated to the local hospital.
| Extracts | Panarda | Tower | Cegneraro | S.Maria | P.za del Mercato | P.za Umberto I | La Portella |
| San Giovanni | Campodoglio | San Pietro | S.Maria della Stella | The Districts | S.Sebastiano | Il Palazzo del Marchese |